Our watches are available at the following stores in Switzerland:
Ascona: Boutique Tribù, Via Borgo 50, CH-6612 Ascona, +41 (0)91 791 89 34, www.tel.search.ch
Basel: Museum Design Collection Shop, Spalenvorstadt 18, CH-4051 Basel, +41 (0)61 261 81 26, www.mdc-shop.ch
Fribourg: forme+confort, Rue de la Cathédrale-St-Nicolas 5, CH-1700 Fribourg, +41 (0)26 322 77 07, www.formeplusconfort.ch
Horgen: Mooi Mooi, Dorfgasse 25, CH-8810 Horgen, +41 (0)43 243 77 00, www.geschenke-zurich.ch
Kriens: Muff Uhren, Luzernerstrasse 24a, CH-6010 Kriens, +41 (0)41 320 37 62, www.muff-uhren.ch
Lausanne: viceversa, Place Saint-François 2, CH-1002 Lausanne, +41 (0)21 323 96 34, www.viceversa.ch
Locarno: Beni Orafo, Via B. Rusca 6, CH-6600 Locarno, +41 (0)91 751 04 10 www.gooood.ch
Luzern: Frasson Goldschmied, Franziskanerplatz 6, CH-6003 Luzern, +41 (0)41 220 12 22, www.frasson.ch
Lugano: Alon Design Shop, Via Ludovico Ariosto 6, CH-6900 Lugano, +41 (0)91 921 26 70, www.alon23.com
Neuchâtel: 2xC Bijoux, Rue des Moulins 4, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, +41 (0)32 721 10 51, www.yellow.local.ch
Rheineck: Armin Schelling Goldschmiede, Hauptstrasse 12, CH-9424 Rheineck, +41 (0)71 888 23 44, www.rheineck.ch
Schöftland: Lüscher Uhren & Schmuck, Dorfstrasse 29, CH-5040 Schöftland, +41 (0)62 721 14 13, www.luescher-uhren-schmuck.ch
Vevey: Thiel Bijouterie, Rue des Deux-Marchés 32, 1800 Vevey, +41 (0)21 921 62 76, www.bijouterie-thiel.ch
Zürich: Krösus, Rindermarkt 17, CH-8001 Zürich, +41 (0)44 251 09 39, www.kroesus.ch
You can order all our products from our international distributors:
Belgium: MCM Diffusion, +32 2479 3205, mcolpaert@mcmdiffusion.eu
Brazil: Oklok, Sao Paulo, +5511 3167 5001, thomcohn@yahoo.com.br, www.okloksp.com.br
Canada: Bergo, Corktown, Toronto, +1 416 861 3020, bergodesigns@rogers.com, www.bergo.ca
China: Corso Como Shanghaï, +86 21 6286 1072, store@10corsocomo.cn, www.10corsocomo.com
Germany: MaxiSolutions UG, Freiburg, +49 761 21439130, michael@maxisolutions.de, http://maxisolutions.de
Germany (Repair Centre): Uhrmachermeister Höller, +49 2271 75 75 14, info@uhrmacher-hoeller.de, www.uhrmacher-hoeller.de
Great Britain: The Home, Salts Mill, Victoria Road, Saltaire, Bradford BD18 3LB, +44 (0)1274 530770, info@thehomeonline.co.uk, www.thehomeonline.co.uk
Hong Kong & China: L.S. Collection, +852 2528 9303, gm@lscollection.hk
Ireland: Equinox, +44 28 9023 0089, sales@equinoxshop.com, www.equinox.com
Iceland: Aurum, +354 551 2770, aurum@aurum.is, www.aurum.is
Japan: Beyond net, +81 (0)90 1705 0577, 340-0023 Saitama, import@beyondnet.org
Malaysia: Private Label SDN, +60 3 4256 0262, prvlabel@gmail.com
The Netherlands: CLIC Creations B.V., +31 0737470088, info@cliccreations.nl
New Zealand: Galtons, Auckland, +64 9 379 2371, info@galtons.co.nz, www.galtons.co.nz
South Korea: June Korea, Seoul, info@junekorea.com
Spain: Sedistri SL, +34 93 4870 978, dst@sedistri.com
Switzerland: Pierre Junod workshop, pierrejunod@pierrejunod.com, untergasse 29, 2502 Bienne, +41 (0)32 341 72 93, www.pierrejunod.com
USA: Entry USA Inc. New York, +1 212 734 4318, entryusa@aol.com
USA: Luminaire Lab, Miami, + 1 866 579 1941, www.luminaire.com
USA (Repair Centre): Swissservice Inc. Salt Lake City, +1 801 582 0731, info@swisserviceinc.com, www.swisserviceinc.com
For more informations concerning distribution in Switzerland and around the world, do not hesitate to contact us:
PIERRE JUNOD, Rue du Faucon 21, CH-2502 Bienne, +41 (0)32 341 72 93, pierrejunod@pierrejunod.com, www.pierrejunod.com